
What are the benefits of spirulina?

Squeeze Dried is going to be introducing a new flavor to our lineup… Mermaid Lemonade. I found an article that showed the many benefits of Spirulina, the main ingredient in Mermaid Lemonade. Check it out below.

Orange Turmeric Ginger Tea (and The Benefits of Turmeric)

This is probably not your first rodeo with Turmeric or Curcumin but it is something that many struggle to make taste good without a lot of effort. Over at Squeeze Dried, we tweaked it to maximize benefits and taste. If you haven’t heard about Turmeric or Curcumin before, it is one of the hottest trends on social media and the health community. With the all the incredible natural benefits, that are centered around turmeric, we wanted to kick it up a notch with some added ingredients in Squeeze Dried Orange Turmeric. Here is the low down on turmeric and all amazing benefits!
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