Beauty and the Beets: 8 Amazing Facts You May Not Know About Beets

Beets became a highly talked about superfood trend over the past year and Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, RD, and Science Advisor at HumanN recommends that they’re still vital to incorporate into your diet. Beets contain high levels of nitrate and these high nitrate levels have been proven to help lower blood pressure, increase exercise performance, and help improve brain function, according to Healthline. Aside from beets, you can find high nitrate levels in  carrots, celery, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables (such as spinach), pomegranates, and watermelon. And if you’re thinking, “Ugh, what a hassle to incorporate more foods into my daily routine!” then we have an easy, fresh, and clean ingredient solution for you! Our newest Squeeze Dried flavor, We Got The Beets, combines the power of beetroot, ginger, raspberry and cranberry into a delicious and refreshing addition to your water! Each serving is jam-packed with fiber, an immune system boost and enough nitric oxide to increase blood flow and help with blood pressure. Today we wanted to break down 8 amazing facts about the nutritional punch beets have that you may not already know. 

  1. The beet was initially cultivated around 2,000 BC in the Mediterranean region, which makes it a natural fit for a heart-healthy Mediterranean diet.
  2. When harvested, the entirety of the plant is edible!
  3. In ancient times, the root part was mainly used not for cooking, but as a medicine for headaches and toothaches.
  4. Studies have shown that beets may contribute to a reduction in the risk of many types of cancers due to their high levels of unique antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents!
  5. The betalin in beets is not only what gives them their beautiful red color, but it also helps capture toxins and detoxifies your system. 
  6. The beet and its greens are both an excellent source of folate, vitamin A and K, and a very good source of manganese, copper, and potassium.
  7. Beets are high in fiber, which helps with satiety and regularity.
  8. Beetroot juice is one of the richest dietary sources of antioxidants and naturally occurring nitrates. Nitrates are compounds which improve blood flow throughout the body. This includes the brain, heart, and muscles.




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