Probiotics: Friendly Bacteria That Rebuild A Healthy Gut

There are many methods of staying in shape and maintaining your health and nutrition. Most of the time, it also comes back to what is in your diet. So, what does your diet consist of? Have you been spending too much time at fast food joints and the candy isle at your local grocery store? Or have you thrown yourself into a rigorous weekly meal plan? Of course, those are polar extremes and the reality is that most people’s diet lies in between. Regardless, PROBIOTICS should be a staple in your daily food regimen.

Although probiotics have been a part of our diet for a very long time, how familiar are they to us? Probiotics are edible living microorganisms that are present in fermented foods or supplements. Over the last few decades, many studies show that these living microorganisms keep the ‘friendly’ bacteria in your digestive system in balance. Furthermore, having these bio-regulators in our gut can mean increased immunity and prevention of disease. Below, we will discuss various health benefits behind the consumption of probiotics and the top probiotic foods that are available at the supermarket.


8 Ways Probiotics Keep Your Digestive System In Harmony


1. Probiotics Help Balance The Friendly Bacteria in Your Digestive System

Probiotics contain “good” bacteria, living microorganisms that yield notable health benefits when consumed. This good bacteria promotes good health by its potential ability to restore and balance gut bacteria. When your gut has an imbalance of bacteria, it could be an indication that illness, medication (like antibiotics), and/or a poor diet may be the culprit to blame. As a consequence, one may suffer from digestive issues, allergies, obesity, and more. You can find probiotics in fermented foods or supplements. So, take care of that gut!

2. Probiotics Can Help Prevent and Treat Diarrhea

If you have a belly ache and you need some instant relief, probiotics are just the remedy for you! Need to settle your stomach? Probiotics are an effective remedy while trying to settle your stomach.  Strains such as Lactobacillus rhamnosusLactobacillus casei and the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii are most commonly used to treat bowel issues.

3. Probiotic Supplements Improve Some Mental Health Conditions

Taking care of your gut can help give you a sound piece of mind! Really, it’s true. More and more, studies have shown that the health of your gut can influence your mental health. Human and animal studies support that probiotics can help improve mental health conditions. Also, over the years, scientists have found that supplementing with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus consistently can improve anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and memory.


Probiotics are responsible for 70% of our immune response.


4. Certain Probiotic Strains Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

It is important to keep the heart strong and protected. Probiotics can work to lower your LDL (A.K.A. bad cholesterol) and blood pressure. Bacteria that produces lactic acid may produce cholesterol as a result of breaking down bile in the gut. Bile, which is composed mostly of cholesterol, helps with digestion. Working to break down bile helps to prevent it from being reabsorbed into the gut, where it can enter the blood as cholesterol. The consumption of probiotics may also help to lower blood pressure.

5. Probiotics Can Help Reduce Symptoms of Certain Digestive Disorders

In the United States, over 1 million people suffer from digestive disorders that contribute to bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. Scientists have discovered that the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains have improved symptoms with individuals that struggle with these health ailments. Probiotics hold an expansive promise in treating other bowel disorders. More experiments must be conducted in determining whether probiotics are a legitimate treatment for bowel disorders.


Probiotics increase the digestibility, bioavailability and processing of a large number of nutrients

such as copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, potassium and zinc.


6. Probiotics May Help Boost Your Immune System

Boosting your immune system means two things: 1. You will feel healthy, and 2. you will have more energy. When your immune system is at its strongest, your gut will be the first defense against harmful bacteria. Supplementing probiotics into your daily diet will help your body produce more natural antibodies and immune cells that promote peak health.

7. Probiotics May Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat

Are you trying to shake off a few pounds? Trying to lose that “spare tire?” Probiotics may help with weight loss by way of a number of bodily mechanisms. For instance, some probiotics prevent the absorption of bad fats while passing through the intestine. Furthermore, the fat is excreted from the body rather than stored in the body. A second way that probiotics can help you slim down is that it will help you stay satiated longer. You will feel fuller longer and much more satisfied. Thus, you will not feel so inclined to feed on those unnecessary calories. You will also burn more calories and store less fat by consuming probiotics. Please be advised that not all probiotics will aid in weight loss. However, a healthy diet full of natural foods and sound appropriations will always help you to stay healthy.

The Best Way to Benefit From Probiotics

There are a plethora of foods that contain many varieties of probiotics and plenty of supplement alternatives in the nutritional marketplace. Typically, you will find probiotic cultures in fermented dairy products, fermented foods (like pickled vegetables, miso, and kimchi), and soy products. In order to enjoy the intended benefits, you must consume adequate amounts. Below is a top ten probiotic foods that you can easily find at your local market. Who knows? These products may already be in your diet. 🙂


Top 10 Probiotic Foods

  1. Yogurt
  2. Kefir
  3. Sauerkraut
  4. Dark Chocolate
  5. Microalgae
  6. Miso Soup
  7. Pickles
  8. Tempeh
  9. Kimchi
  10. Kombucha Tea


It is estimated that there are over 400 species of probiotics in our bodies.

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